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Every End Has A Beginning...

Or every beginning has an end... I think I prefer the first. But what does a new beginning look like? Where exactly is that decided? Do we decide, or is there a higher power? Are we that higher power? Yes, Yes, and YES!!!! Divinity is within us all, and that's where this new beginning comes alive. In the beauty of tragedy and the chaos of the aftermath. We get only one option once things spiral down around us, and that's to move forward. Even if you feel you are moving backwards, I can assure you, you are not! As human beings in these physical bodies, we do not have the capabilities to move backwards through time. A blessing, I promise. Lessons would not hit as hard or be as significant if we could. My most profound moments have always transpired after disaster strikes. And in 100% of those moments, I would have undone whatever had been done. And guess what, my revelation would have never come. It's when we examine our pain, look it in the eyes and claim victory over all that was sent to defeat us, that we find the true power of our existence. And that's exactly where I find myself now.

This new beginning looks a bit like this... New podcast, new website, new clients, new mission, new relationship with myself, and new view on existence. There is also a new sense of hope and a stronger sense of purpose. I knew as a young child that being behind someone was safe, so as an adult I was drawn to becoming a coach. I figured it was the most beautiful way to assist humanity back to wholeness, one wandering soul at a time. But the more I discovered who I was, and ultimately who I'd been... standing in a shadow I felt safe in was no longer an option. There were months where I battled the fear of judgement and criticism until they were ultimately realized. The universe never fails to send you the battles you need to fight, in order to prove that you are stronger than you could ever imagine. I was mocked and condemned publicly for my abilities and visions. So, when my fears came to life overnight, I had no choice but to step up and battle them one at a time. And I slayed each one, and grew more aligned within myself and my spirit. Now the haters of the world don't frighten me, friends and family members walking out of my life are no longer personal, and my personal life being public doesn't cause me to panic. Not because I am now immune to it over hardening my heart, but because I went deep into the belly of the beast, and discovered all the reasons fear exist on this planet period. I went deep into our m matrix to understand why the people around me would betray me or turn away from me. I needed to know why!! And I didn't stop until I uncovered startling truths about existence and our matrix. It was this journey that has brought me to this exact beginning of my life.

So, if you are joining me and plan to hang out for this unique and amazing ride, welcome!! I can promise that it's going to get really weird around here! I am writing this on the eve of my first ever solo podcast episode being released. I am here to admit, it's not even recorded yet! HA!!! I am headed to finally bite that bullet as soon as I publish this blog post. Each podcast episode will get a small blog post with a little more insight and resources made exclusive to my beautiful community. So, without any further hesitation on my part, let's THINK OUTSIDE THE MATRIX!

Find my podcast on all major podcast platforms. Divinity unEARTHed with Cristy Nicole.

Going Live on 8/8/2023.

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3 則留言

Angie Abel
Angie Abel

You went live on my birthday - 08/08. Thanks for your outlook and insights.


Julia Swanson
Julia Swanson

Love your insight! I’m still wrapping my head around what you talk about in your podcasts. Can you PLEASE help me understand how frequency and densities work?? Specifically, how can angels/other beings of the spirit realm be of a higher frequency if 4th density or the heart space hasn’t been unlocked before? How could someone have an aura that sits in the throat chakra energy if the heart is still being developed? I’m really confused on how that all works.


Curly Sensei
Curly Sensei

Thank You.

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